
Insurance Services / Business / Warehouse Logistics Insurance Program

Warehouse Logistics Insurance Program

Understanding that each warehousing operation is different requires a trained insurance professional to tailor the vaious coverages to meet the needs of your respective client. We also understand that your industry is changing daily and that we must continue to develop state-of-the-art coverages and coverage enhancements to meet these changes. Because your industry faces unique, expensive, and difficult insurance challenges, saving money without cutting corners on protection is vital to keeping your competitive edge.

As part of Logistics Risk Management Group (LRMG) we have more than 30 years’ experience working in the 3PL industry and currently protecting over 60 million square feet of warehousing. As experts in the industry we excel in the research and negotiations for better policy coverage forms, claims management services, and insured personnel education with regards to policy forms and applicability with client’s exposure to loss and changing exposures to loss.