Scared Jobless The inventory specialists with claims pros Enservio visit some strange homes, but none of them were prepared to handle a domicile that was supposedly haunted—so much so that it pushed one specialist to the point of quitting his job. The adjuster(s) assigned to investigate “were a little bit wary,” says Jay Straughan, Enservio’s […]
In addition to colorful leaves and beaming pumpkins, October also brings the first chilly winds of autumn. Before you know it, you’ll be greeted by frost on your windshield in the morning and spending the better part of windy afternoons raking leaves. Bittersweet as these transitioning days may be, you are ready for the cooler […]
Answer to that questions is, no! Renters Insurance Many uninsured renters are under the mistaken impression that their landlord’s policy covers their possessions. A landlord does not provide insurance for a tenants personal property. An exception to this can occur if the landlord was aware of a prior hazardous condition, failed to correct it […]